Sunday, June 24, 2012

Menu Plan June 25-29

Summer is finally here! In the summer I would like to think we follow a similar routine as we do during the school year, but it just doesn't happen. I am fine with that! I love the more relaxed feel and the easy going attitude everyone has. I don't need to have routine every single day. By the end of the summer I will be itching to get back into it. But for now I am going to enjoy the lazy days of summer.

I still need to plan meals though and I still need to shop for all the ingredients for those meal. I might just freeze my meats or sometimes have the meal for lunch and have leftovers for dinner. Either way if I gave up on meal planning I know we would eat less healthy foods and so would the kids. Do you keep meal planning in the summer? Do you meal plan at all?

Monday: Shrimp Quesadillas

I know I won't follow this recipe exactly but it has inspired me to try some shrimp quesadillas of my own!

Recipe and photo from Witty in the City

Tuesday: Island Grilled Chicken

Recipe and photo from Amee's Savory Dish

Wednesday: Chipotle Mango BBQ Salad

You may have noticed I am slightly addicted to Iowa Girl Eats....she just has very similar taste to me and I seem to like most if not all of her recipes! Here is another one!

Recipe and photo from Iowa Girl Eats

Thursday: Lasagna Flat Bread

Recipe and photo from Plain Chicken

Friday: Rotisserie Chicken

This is not really a meal recipe, but I want to give this a try. I will then have cooked chicken for all weekend to make salads, wraps and other quick and easy meals during the busy weekend!

Recipe and photo from Busy Mommy

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